Randy H. Lapin has been a professional fundraiser for over 30 years. He joined JVS SoCal 16-years ago, bringing extensive past development and nonprofit organizational experience including 13-years at City of Hope Cancer Center and several years at Jewish Big Brothers. Both as a member of an executive team and through his volunteer service on various Boards and Associations, Randy has advanced his philosophy of building long-term donor relationships firmly atop a bedrock of trust and mutual respect.
Due to Randy’s reputation, many influential donors from City of Hope have also become JVS SoCal supporters since they share his conviction that it is an organization deserving of their philanthropic investments. Since joining JVS SoCal, Randy has championed the expansion of the agency’s services for veterans, its Scholarship Program, the Suite of tuition-free, industry specific career training programs, including BankWork$™, HealthWorks™, ApartmentWorks™, CareerWorks Medical and the newest program, ImagingWorks™ and other key workforce related initiatives serving under resourced and underserved communities of color.
Randy is a key member of the JVS SoCal Executive Strategic Planning Team and has helped shepherd the organization through a major reorganization process. He is focused on building key relationships and donor prospects in an effort to reposition the agency’s center of attention from an event-based fund-raising model to more of a major gift model. He has redirected the Board’s Development Committee to identify and surface key relationships that can be of benefit to JVS SoCal’s mission.
Outside of JVS SoCal, Randy was once honored by former L.A. Mayor Richard Riordan as the youngest person to serve as Chairman of the Board of the Child and Family Guidance Center serving abused and at-risk youth. He has been Co-President of the Jewish Communal Professionals Association of Southern California and Chair of its Fundraiser’s Forum series.
Randy lives in Simi Valley, California with his wife of 36 years, has two daughters and is the proud Grandfather of three grandchildren - Wyatt, Sawyer and Westin. Randy has dedicated himself to making his community, and well beyond, the best, healthiest and economically diverse it can be.